Donald "Don" H.E. Munderloh
February 10, 1936 - March 3, 2025

Donald "Don" H.E. Munderloh

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I served in the Army.
Donald H. E. 'Don' Munderloh, age 89, of West Point, formerly of Scribner died Monday, March 3, 2025 at St. Joseph's Hillside Villa in West Point.

Don was born in a blizzard, February 10, 1936 on the family farm in rural Bancroft, Nebraska, the youngest of six children to Edward and Anna 'Groth' Munderloh. He was baptized and confirmed into the Lutheran faith at Zion Lutheran Church in rural Bancroft. He graduated from West Point High School in 1954. Donald proudly served in United States Army from 1956 to 1958.

At a dance in Snyder, he knew he met the love of his life. Donald was united into marriage to Lois Ann Duerst on February 25, 1962 at Trinity Lutheran Church, rural Scribner. The couple started their life together on a farm west of Scribner where many blessings were given to them, especially their 3 children and 8 grandchildren. They recently celebrated 63 years of marriage. Don and Lois farmed together many years growing their livestock/crop operation. Donald loved working with his livestock, cattle but especially his pigs. He always looked forward to planting and harvest season. Don's passion for agriculture was so strong that all three children followed in his footsteps. Don and Lois made sure to carve out a few days for the family each year to travel and make some memories. In their later years, Don and Lois enjoyed traveling all over the U.S., especially a six-week camper trip to Alaska.

Don served as a Board member of District #29 Country School. A member and served in many capacities at Trinity Lutheran Church and after its closing then St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Scribner. In church, Donald shared God's blessing of his voice where he loved to sing God's praises. Don served on the Pebble Township Board and was a lifetime member of the VFW Post #8439 of Snyder.

Survivors include: Wife - Lois Ann of West Point, Children, Shawn (Laura) Munderloh of Scribner, Michelle (Chris) Schiller of Snyder, Karleen (Brian) Wisnieski of Dodge. Grandchildren - Payton, Levi, and Ian Schiller, Tristan (Lexi) and Macy Munderloh, Braxton, Stuart, & Kendall Wisnieski; Sister-in-law and Brother-in-law Delores and Marvin Fischer, and many nieces and nephews. He was a proud Dad and Papa. Donald loved being called ''Uncle Donnie'' to all of them. Don will always be remembered by his family as a man strong in his faith, kind and serving, shared so many amusing life stories but most of all having such a great sense of dry humor, wit and those ''smiles''.

Don was preceded in death by his parents, siblings and spouses, Art (Marilyn), Clarence, Melvin (Herta), Reinold (Kathie), and Darlene Kardell (Robert).

The funeral will be 10am, Saturday, March 8, 2025 at St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Scribner. Burial will follow in Trinity Cemetery with Military Honors. Visitation will be Friday, March 7 at Ludvigsen's Scribner Funeral Chapel from 3pm to 7pm with the family present 5pm to 7pm. Memorials are suggested to St. Peter's Lutheran Church Radio Ministry and the Trinity Cemetery.

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Recorded Funeral Service

Friday, March 7, 2025
3:00pm to 7:00pm
Ludvigsen's Scribner Funeral Chapel
509 Main St.
Scribner, NE  68057
Map & Directions

Monday, March 3, 2025
With family present from 5-7pm
Ludvigsen's Scribner Funeral Chapel
509 Main St.
Scribner, NE  68057
Map & Directions

Funeral Service
Saturday, March 8, 2025
St. Peter's Lutheran Church
600 Baker Street
Scribner, NE  68057
Map & Directions

Trinity Cemetery
Scribner, NE  68057


  1. Janis K Poppe
    Lois and family, I am sorry for your loss. We used to see each other at Wellness in West Point back in the day. He was always easy to visit with and had a smile. My deepest sympathy to all of you.
  2. Leland & Jo Hoge
    So sorry for your loss sending our prayers
  3. Donavon & Ann Wascher
    Lois and family, We were saddened to hear of Don's passing. Keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers as you go through this difficult time. Our sympathy, Donavon and Ann
  4. Dean & Marian Barjenbruch
    Sorry for your loss. Enjoyed visiting with him at church and on the farm. He always had a smile!!
  5. Matt Kardell
    What a great uncle he was! Uncle Don helped me understand life in the country, and on a farm. I have great childhood memories as a “city kid” staying with Aunt Lois and Uncle Don and my cousins on their farm. I remember he loved popcorn (and so do I).

    Uncle Don was fun, extremely smart, had an incredible work ethic, and cared about what I had to say, and loved to share his knowledge about farming.

    My mom was so proud of her “little brother” Don. I will always remember him fondly, and express my deepest sympathies to my Aunt Lois, as well as my cousins Shawn, Michelle, and Karlene.


Recorded Funeral Service

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